Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Day

Happy 2013 lovebugs!

Last week I talked a little bit about resolutions. Well today is the day that we put them into action. What are you hoping to improve on this year?

As I mentioned, I will be writing down one thing I'm thankful for each day. And to kick things off, today I am thankful for my sister who bought me the journal I'll be using to chronicle my thankfulness all year long.

Be fabulous today.

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve

Happy last day of 2012 lovebugs. This year has been a solid one for me. Some friends have moved away but sometimes big things happen to good people and you have to be happy for them. As for the ones who have stuck around DC? I've been lucky enough to keep them close and I've even made some new ones through blogging. The Bf and Norman and I were lucky enough to be able to stay in our apartment for another year. All in all I can't complain.

Tonight I hope you spend your night in sparkles or in sweatpants and ring in the new year full of hope and joy.

Thanks for being fabulous this year.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday Foodday

Happy Friday lovebugs! Today's post will be for New Year's cocktails!

The Rickey (the official cocktail of Washington, DC)
c/o Delish

  • 1 1/4 ounce(s) Tanqueray London Dry Gin
  • 1/4 ounce(s) lime juice
  • 1 ounce(s) soda water
  1. Stir together Tanqueray London Dry Gin and lime juice.
  2. Serve over ice in highball glass.
  3. Top with soda water.

French 75
  • 1 cup gin
  • 1/2 cup No-Cook Simple Syrup (see below)
  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  • Champagne
  • Lemon twists (for garnish)

  • Directions
  • To make our No-Cook Simple Syrup, combine 2 cups each superfine sugar and water in an airtight container. Cover and shake until sugar dissolves. Makes 3 cups.
  • Stir gin, No-Cook Simple Syrup, and fresh lemon juice with ice in a medium pitcher for 10 seconds. Strain into Champagne flutes or coupe glasses.
  • Top with chilled Champagne (Prosecco or other sparkling wine works in a pinch). Garnish with lemon twists.

  • Cranberry Prosecco Cocktail
    1 cup frozen cranberries, thawed
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 bottle (750 milliliters) prosecco, chilled 

    Place the cranberries and sugar in a bowl and macerate for at least 1 hour, or up to 6 hours. Stir the berries occasionally, lightly mashing them. Place 1 tablespoon of macerated berries in each of six champagne flutes. Fill the flutes with prosecco and serve.

    Thursday, December 27, 2012


    Since I would never take away Friday Foodday, I wanted to use today to talk a little bit about resolutions. 

    [rez-uh-loo-shuh n]
    1. A resolve or determination.

    Resolutions are a decision to make a change. An act, a thought, or an admission that you will do something differently moving forward. New Years is often referred to as a time to get a fresh start, but I truly believe that you can't understand what you want to change until you've reflected on where you've been and what you've done.

    Given the recent tragedy in Connecticut, as well as the constant stresses we are bombarded with on a day to day basis, what better time to really take a moment, or an hour, or whatever you feel comfortable with to just sit. Sit with your thoughts, your emotions and attempt to channel how you can improve. How can you make yourself a little bit better this year?

    I would love to hear what your resolutions are for the new year. Share them or get inspiration by reading someone else's below. 

    What is mine you ask? Well, I'm going to be writing down one thing I'm thankful for each day in a journal. Now they don't have to be earth shattering, sometimes it's ok to be thankful for Spanx, or How I Met Your Mother, but I want to write it down, I want to take that moment each day and reflect and record it. 

    Thanks for taking a moment to share your resolutions.

    Be fabulous today!