Showing posts with label stylish blogger award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stylish blogger award. Show all posts

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Well thanks so much Lindsay at YAMS Designs for giving me and nine other bloggers this award.  I'd like to thank my parents, my dog, everyone that voted for me-- kidding.  But this is a fun way for me to tell you 7 things about myself that you probably don't know, and then I pass it along to some of my stylish blog friends too!

1. I'm not spontaneous.  At all.  I love planning.

2.I'm terrified of fish.  I won't go in the ocean without stomping around in the water first to scare the fish away.

3. I love sequins.  On my nails, on my shoes, you name it.

4. I watch All My Children.  Daily.

5. I carry a white ribbon in my purse or coat all of the time in case I put my hair in a ponytail.  Hair just looks better up with a ribbon in it.

6. I rode horses competitively for 18 years.

7. I have a weird crush on Mike Rowe from "Dirty Jobs" on Discovery Channel.

Now I get to pass it on to some of my very stylish friends: