Showing posts with label sign off. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sign off. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

News from The Capital Barbie!

Hey lovebugs!
Today's post isn't full of wonderful clothing picks and stocking stuffer ideas, but rather a new addition to the blog.  A sign off.

Now most people wouldn't announce such a thing, they'd just start doing and have people catch on. A signature isn't exactly a life changing event or something to be yelled from the rooftops, but I think it is a very personal way of including you guys into what kind of tone and message this blog is all about.

This blog isn't huge, but it has some really fantastic followers, a group of people I consider my friends even if we've never met.  This blog is about making you feel good inside and out through putting on great clothing and accessories that will always put a smile on your face but (hopefully) not a dent in your wallet.  It's a place to share ideas and great finds and occasionally, really deliciously bad for you recipes!

I wanted to set aside a post to talk about my new sign off because I want you to realize how important it is for me to make sure you take it to heart.  Every single day.  So without further ado:


Be fabulous today.

That's it!  That's the new way I will end every post.  Why? Because I want you to believe it.  I want it to be your pick-me-up and your mantra.  Sometimes we need a reminder, and sometimes we need a motto.  Please feel free to borrow this one.  Now let me break it down for you.

Be- a verb that means to exist.  Just be.  Be with yourself, with a loved one, with an enemy, with a pet.  Just be.  Learn how to be comfortable with just being.

Fabulous- do you have 3 days? Because that's how long it would take me to truly convey the meaning of this word to you.  It's probably my favorite word.  It encompasses everything that is wonderful.  I could go on and on with synonyms all day but maybe I can nail down the meaning of this word by using it's antonyms? The opposite of "fabulous" is ordinary, common, and normal.  See? Are you ANY of those things? Nope.  You're not.  You. Are. Fabulous.

Today- that's right.  Right now.  Right this second.  Whether you're in a staff meeting or shopping or sleeping.  Today. Right now.

Be fabulous today

Think about it.  Why wouldn't you want to remember this all of the time.  I know you are fabulous, I think I'm pretty fabulous and I think this blog is pretty fabulous.  So why don't I remind you of everyday.  Cool with you?  Great!  

And don't worry, we'll get back to the fashion tomorrow.

Hey- be fabulous today.