Showing posts with label saving money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saving money. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Guest Post- Saving time, money, and your sanity this holiday season!

Thanks so much to The Millennial Housewife for doing a guest post swap with me! Enjoy!

A big thank you to my host today - The Capital Barbie!  She was gracious enough to guest post for me last week over on The Millennial Housewife and has invited me to guest for her. 

 Saving time, money, and your sanity this holiday season!

Since The Capital Barbie and I decided to guest post for one another, I have been racking my brain to come up with a fresh post about saving tons of money this holiday season.  Who am I kidding??  We all go overboard every year when we think we won’t.   It is just hard to plan for all of the trinkets and gadgets - especially for those of us with small children - their interests change on a daily basis.  So, while I would love to tell you that I plan ahead and have my shopping done in August - I don’t! 

Now wait, that doesn’t mean the The Millennial Housewife doesn’t work hard to save during the holidays.   I do have a few simple tips to help you save a little here and there! 

Tip #1 - Save at the Grocery Store:

Now is the time to stock up on your holiday feast ingredients.  I have already hit TWO sales at our local grocery store on chicken broth and cream soups.  I use both of those ingredients a lot - so when I can stock up on them, it really helps the grocery bill.   Watch your sale ads carefully, and have a rough idea of what your holiday menu is going to be.  When you see an item go on sale - grab it!  Not only will you have saved a little bit on your bill, but you will have that chore done when it comes time to start cooking!

Another advantage to doing this now - if you haven’t begun couponing, this is a good way to break yourself in.  You will already be training yourself to watch the store ads and you will know when a  price is good or GREAT!

Tip #2 - Earn Money while you shop

Even if you only do a little shopping on-line - sign up for a cash back program.  I’m sorry that I hadn’t signed up earlier last year while doing my shopping.  There are several different cash back programs out there, but here are two that I am familiar with:

I use these programs EVERY time that I shop online - and yes, I actually have received a check!

Tip #3 - Slow down and enjoy the season

I know that it is easier said than done, but take a breath and enjoy yourself!  Up until last year, I found myself stressed to the max about the holidays.  I would freak out over money, not enough gifts, would I get everything done….I could go on.  I ruined Christmas for myself every year, because I never took the time to really enjoy the season with my family.   Here are a few fun ideas to help make the holidays special for you and your family:
1.  Bake Cookies
2.  Drive around and look at all of the beautiful lights
3.  Visit Santa
4.  Sing Christmas Carols and drink hot cocoa
5.  Start a new holiday tradition

Always remember the reason for the season and have a Merry Christmas!