Showing posts with label rosa loves dc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rosa loves dc. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Guest Post: Rosa Loves DC

Hello Capital Barbie readers, I'm Rosa Loves DC and I am so excited to share with you about my perfect Saturday outfit. 

I basically run errands on Saturday mornings: a trip to the grocery store, a stop at the farmers market, a visit to the vet with my Chihuahua Lola, a doctor's appointment, you name it. Of course a date lunch with friends or my husband is pretty much on my Saturday agenda as well. So my perfect outfit consists of skinny jeans, a blouse, and comfortable flats. I also love to add a little sparkle with a necklace. You can say that comfort is always on my mind when thinking about outfit options on Saturday.
Thank you Kelsey for inviting to guest post here on your fabulous blog. 
