Showing posts with label resolutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resolutions. Show all posts

Monday, January 4, 2016

All In: Beast Mode

Happy first Monday of 2016. I hope you feel like kicking ass and being awesome. Today's All In post is all about resolutions, and so often its about getting fit. In 2015 I lost 25 pounds and I have 5 more to go. The last 5 is usually the hardest so I'm all about my Weight Watchers app, Fitbit, and pilates. Here's an outfit - all in for under $100 - for getting fit and looking good.

sports bra/sneakers/leggings (use code EXTRA20)/top/no slip headband

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years Resolution Giveaway

Happy New Year everyone!

I have partnered up with, and some of my favorite bloggers, to help you kick start your new years resolution with a $500 gift card to Amazon!

My new years resolution is quite the cliche, I want to lose weight. Recently I donated my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, and I think this new style needs a healthier bod. My sister got me a FitBit for Christmas, so I am keeping track of my steps, hydrating, and tracking!

What is your new years resolution and how would you use this giftcard?

Enter below:

Don't forget to visit the other participating bloggers:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Day

Happy 2013 lovebugs!

Last week I talked a little bit about resolutions. Well today is the day that we put them into action. What are you hoping to improve on this year?

As I mentioned, I will be writing down one thing I'm thankful for each day. And to kick things off, today I am thankful for my sister who bought me the journal I'll be using to chronicle my thankfulness all year long.

Be fabulous today.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Since I would never take away Friday Foodday, I wanted to use today to talk a little bit about resolutions. 

[rez-uh-loo-shuh n]
1. A resolve or determination.

Resolutions are a decision to make a change. An act, a thought, or an admission that you will do something differently moving forward. New Years is often referred to as a time to get a fresh start, but I truly believe that you can't understand what you want to change until you've reflected on where you've been and what you've done.

Given the recent tragedy in Connecticut, as well as the constant stresses we are bombarded with on a day to day basis, what better time to really take a moment, or an hour, or whatever you feel comfortable with to just sit. Sit with your thoughts, your emotions and attempt to channel how you can improve. How can you make yourself a little bit better this year?

I would love to hear what your resolutions are for the new year. Share them or get inspiration by reading someone else's below. 

What is mine you ask? Well, I'm going to be writing down one thing I'm thankful for each day in a journal. Now they don't have to be earth shattering, sometimes it's ok to be thankful for Spanx, or How I Met Your Mother, but I want to write it down, I want to take that moment each day and reflect and record it. 

Thanks for taking a moment to share your resolutions.

Be fabulous today!