Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Monday, April 4, 2016

Feeling Feelings

This weekend was kind of a big deal.  My apologies if this post is short and sweet but you have to understand that The bf is now The FiancĂ© and that's a BFD. Today's post is all about love and lovely things. Enjoy.

Hearts, pockets, win. 

Vintage look, not vintage price.

My favorite ladies got this for me last night. I think it speaks for itself.

If you wear these, you have to skip all of the time. 

That's all I've got in the tank for today. I'm so full of love and happiness and really wonderful things. 

Be freakin' fabulous today!

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Guest Post- What Will You Do Differently Next Year?

Today's guest post is from LadyxMusketeer .  We are doing a blog swap about what we will do differently next year.  She rocks, go check out her blog if you get a chance.  And look for my post over on her site later today!

The topic is Action: What will you do next year that you’ve been putting off for too long?  So what will I do next year that I’ve been putting off for too long? 

I will learn to love myself.

It sounds simple, to love oneself,  I’m aware but in actuality it is one of the hardest things that I think anyone could possibly do.  I know for me it’s been one helluva struggle. To be able to actually like who I am  as an individual and to like what I see in the mirror on a daily basis is difficult. I’ve always struggled with fully loving myself and this year has been no different. However, I did not actively try to love myself this year. Instead I opted to pretend to love myself whenever I was in the presence of others or to sit and feel sorry for myself.

This insecurity has followed me around for some time now. There have been times where I have tried to learn to love myself but I would then turn around and allow a single negative comment to completely throw me off track. I’m here to say, not any longer. This year will mark a new beginning for me. I am going to actively work on loving myself. Not partially. Not three quarters of the way. The whole enchilada.

I WILL love myself. I WILL change what needs to be changed in order to achieve that goal. I will buckle down and make the effort to go to the gym on a more regular basis. I will look inwards to my faith for strength and deliverance when the going gets tough. I am going to do this because 2011 is the year for change. I will be happy with who I am and be comfortable in the skin I am in, once and for all. No longer will I let one persons opinion of me completely tarnish the way I view myself. After all, it is just that, one persons opinion. I will not depend upon what others think to make me happy. I will make myself happy.

So, give me your best shot 2011, try to break me down but I will learn to finally be at peace with who I am and love myself unconditionally.

Until next time,