Showing posts with label last post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label last post. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2017

Be Fabulous Always

Seven years ago tomorrow I started this blog. Since then I've written more than 1,850 posts on everything from button down shirts to pom pom bracelets. More than two million people have read this little website. When I started, I was living in a studio apartment, working a 5am shift, and on the hunt for a dog. Today I am married, I have health insurance, I have Norman, a husband, and I'm on the hunt for a home. So much has changed, but this blog has stayed my creative outlet and consistent place to channel my love of writing and fashion.

Staring this blog was originally a place to find trends under $100. But as I've grown up, I've learned more about myself and what this world demands. When I think about growing into a personal style, I often grapple with the dichotomy between collecting classic pieces versus the trying the trends. We are taught to invest in classics, but also test the adventurous trends. This philosophy is also how I think about life. It's ingrained in our brains to be timeless, approachable, to smile, and at the same time be fearless, challenge the norms, and try anything once.

I don't know about you, but it can get exhausting. My daily  hourly struggle is balancing the perfect outfit, resume, presentation, dinner recipe, and weight while also challenging my salary level, leaning in, figuring out if I want to have a kid, maintaining a vibrant social life, and trying to figure out how to enjoy kale. That's a lot of work. How do you navigate that sort of pressure?

Classics are forever and whether it's a string of pearls or standing up for something you believe in, save up for it and it will be worth it. As for the adventures? Sure statement earrings aren't exactly moving in with someone you love, but no matter what the leap is, you've got to try it, and when you try it, you'd better work it.

Fashion and life overlap for me in many ways because I have been taught to dress for the job I want, never wear sweatpants on a plane, and always iron your blouse. The classics are expected, but often forgotten. A focus on personal style can seem materialistic to some, but to me, it is a portrayal of your personality to the world. What you put on in the morning is how you want to present yourself - how you feel, and how you would like to be treated. That is a big deal.

Personal style doesn't come from a magazine, blog, or anyone else, it's called personal style because it's you. When I defined this blog's tagline I meant every word. Shoulders back, walk with a purpose, and smile. And on the days that you don't think you've got it together, follow the same instructions. Seriously. Fake it. You'll start to believe yourself and the rest will follow.

This blog has had some pretty fantastic posts, if I do say so myself. You've learned a bit about me, you've met my sister, and perhaps my favorite - the All In posts . Oh, and not to be left out: Friday Foodday!

It's time to end this blog. I know, I know. I've been thinking about this post for forever and there is no magical way to summarize seven years of skirts, shoes, and suede. Thank you for coming along on this journey with me. I so appreciate your love, support, and your readership.

There's no majestic philosophical statement I'm going to make that is going to be good enough to end this blog.

 So, I'm going to leave you with this: be fabulous today.