Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

Monday, January 4, 2016

All In: Beast Mode

Happy first Monday of 2016. I hope you feel like kicking ass and being awesome. Today's All In post is all about resolutions, and so often its about getting fit. In 2015 I lost 25 pounds and I have 5 more to go. The last 5 is usually the hardest so I'm all about my Weight Watchers app, Fitbit, and pilates. Here's an outfit - all in for under $100 - for getting fit and looking good.

sports bra/sneakers/leggings (use code EXTRA20)/top/no slip headband

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Monday, January 5, 2015

All In: Feeling Fit

Happy All In day lovebugs. This month's outfit is perfect for your New Year's Resolutions- for so many of us, its about getting healthy. Maybe it's a goal weight, maybe it's eating better, for me it's about feeling good in my skin and my clothes. So this month's outfit all in for under $100 is about getting healthy and getting fit.

Compression pants/Sneakers/Pullover ($5 off with code GETIT)/Headband

Be fabulous today!

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