Showing posts with label fabulous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fabulous. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2012

Something Different

This blog is about fashion for under $100, but it's also about being fabulous . Today we're going to talk a little bit about the latter.

This weekend I did the big winter-summer closet clothing switchover and I did the usual trying on of the pants to see what fit and what could be donated. Let me tell you something. The majority of them didn't fit. Yep, it just got real. You know what that does to a girl's emotional stability? A whole lot, and none of it is good. 

The sucking in, the pulling of the fabric, the laying flat on the bed to button it closed, you know the drill. And so once this painful process ended, I sat down on the floor of my closet, emotionally, and fashionably defeated. 

So often on this blog we talk about making outfits and trends work for different occasions and adding pieces to your closet to enhance your wardrobe. You know what we don't talk about enough? How to dress your body. What size are you? Honestly. I'm not talking on a good day when you've only eaten cereal and a granola bar. I mean what size are you after a week of work, happy hours, and maybe not that many trips to the gym? Is it a 6? A large? A 14? 

When I was sitting on the closet floor, I thought for a moment. I just put six pairs of pants in the donate pile because they didn't fit. I probably need to go up a size for the majority of my pants. You know what? Who cares. I'm serious. 
It's a fucking number. 

You know what can't be measured? The feeling you get when a complete stranger tells you they love your outfit. The confidence you feel when you walk into a meeting with a fantastic blazer. The strut you get when you walk into a date with a sassy dress that accentuates every curve. These things don't have a size. 

I think we all, especially me recently, need to focus on being healthy. Feeling good. And dressing the body you have, not the body you want. Buy the pair of pants that fit. 

You're fabulous. Honestly. Be fabulous today. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Little Me

You guys. It's my birthday! Yep. And while I'm not expecting any monumental changes to happen today, I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for reading TCB. The Capital Barbie is about looking good without breaking the bank. I hope it offers you inspiration for outfits, creative gift ideas and just a fun place to get away from the everyday.

So often when I sit down on Sundays to write a couple of posts I think, why am I doing this? It's not how I make a living, but what I realize is it's how I want to live. I want to make you feel fabulous. I want you to feel fabulous when it's freezing and raining outside and I want you to feel fabulous when you're late and running out the door to work. Sometimes work, kids, or life gets in the way of us just taking a moment to look in the mirror and realize how amazing we are. I hope you take that moment

You're fabulous because you care, because you inspire, because you motivate. And when you remember that on the inside, it shows on the outside. Yes, labels are nice, but so are groceries and rent, and other things you should probably keep paying. So use this place for fashion inspiration that will allow you to look amazing and feel amazing about the amount of money you're spending.

Before I get all sappy and thankful to each and every one of you I'm going to end with what I'm going to wear to my birthday dinner on Friday with some of my great friends.

Be fabulous today!

Asos, Spot Mesh dress, $62

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

News from The Capital Barbie!

Hey lovebugs!
Today's post isn't full of wonderful clothing picks and stocking stuffer ideas, but rather a new addition to the blog.  A sign off.

Now most people wouldn't announce such a thing, they'd just start doing and have people catch on. A signature isn't exactly a life changing event or something to be yelled from the rooftops, but I think it is a very personal way of including you guys into what kind of tone and message this blog is all about.

This blog isn't huge, but it has some really fantastic followers, a group of people I consider my friends even if we've never met.  This blog is about making you feel good inside and out through putting on great clothing and accessories that will always put a smile on your face but (hopefully) not a dent in your wallet.  It's a place to share ideas and great finds and occasionally, really deliciously bad for you recipes!

I wanted to set aside a post to talk about my new sign off because I want you to realize how important it is for me to make sure you take it to heart.  Every single day.  So without further ado:


Be fabulous today.

That's it!  That's the new way I will end every post.  Why? Because I want you to believe it.  I want it to be your pick-me-up and your mantra.  Sometimes we need a reminder, and sometimes we need a motto.  Please feel free to borrow this one.  Now let me break it down for you.

Be- a verb that means to exist.  Just be.  Be with yourself, with a loved one, with an enemy, with a pet.  Just be.  Learn how to be comfortable with just being.

Fabulous- do you have 3 days? Because that's how long it would take me to truly convey the meaning of this word to you.  It's probably my favorite word.  It encompasses everything that is wonderful.  I could go on and on with synonyms all day but maybe I can nail down the meaning of this word by using it's antonyms? The opposite of "fabulous" is ordinary, common, and normal.  See? Are you ANY of those things? Nope.  You're not.  You. Are. Fabulous.

Today- that's right.  Right now.  Right this second.  Whether you're in a staff meeting or shopping or sleeping.  Today. Right now.

Be fabulous today

Think about it.  Why wouldn't you want to remember this all of the time.  I know you are fabulous, I think I'm pretty fabulous and I think this blog is pretty fabulous.  So why don't I remind you of everyday.  Cool with you?  Great!  

And don't worry, we'll get back to the fashion tomorrow.

Hey- be fabulous today.