Showing posts with label 25 months. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 25 months. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Giveaway! Blogiversary!

As I mentioned on Monday, today is the 25th month-iversay of The Capital Barbie. Why am I celebrating 25 months you ask? Well, because I forgot my two year. So here we are with a two-year and one-month celebrating TCB and all it's fabulousness.

And what better way to celebrate another year of fashion under $100 than with a giveaway from one of my favorite accessory shops: Bauble Bar. I love this store. I love the styles because you can find an accessory for absolutely any occasion. Dress up or dress down or dress it for everyday, there is something for everyone.

So want $50 to Bauble Bar? All you have to do is leave a comment below! That's it! That's how much I love you all. One entry per person and I will announce the winner one week from today!